Stan Lee Voices Support For Zendaya As Mary Jane Watson In

Stan Lee Voices Supp

Heres the confidential regarding Stan Lee He will voice support for pretty much anything involving comics Hes comic books greatest hype man That said I think Zendaya would make a great Mary Jane Watson I think she could pull off red hair no problem And personally I dont think it would be a huge deal if she didnt have red hair Theres

SpiderMan Homecoming Stan Lee Weighs in on Zendaya as Mary Jane Following the reveal that Zendaya will play Mary Jane in SpiderMan Homecoming Stan Lee has now voiced his support of the decision There has been a big push in the past few years for Hollywood to catch up to the rest of the world and properly show the diversity that
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Stan Lee Voices Support For Zendaya As Mary Jane Watson httpscomicbookcom marvel news stanleevoices
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